Aerofilm Systems Air caster specialist since 1981

Air caster transport

Moving heavy objects

Imagine. Your product, machine or high-tech equipment floating and moving almost without friction. No more floor damage due to high point loads. And simple, vibration-free, precise positioning of objects up to 10.000.000 kg(!) All with the power of air.

Do you have challenges in the field of internal transport?

“Never knew that all this is possible.” That is the most frequently heard comment when seeing the Air casters in operation. With reason. Aerofilm Systems has been helping many renowned clients worldwide for some 40 years with the most diverse issues for smart internal transport solutions. All our air cushions, also called Air casters, Air caster system, Air skates or Air bearing casters, and Air cushion transport systems are fully engineered, designed and produced in-house. This gives you one point of contact. That works quickly and directly. Find out how Air skate transport products can help you.

Do you want to move any object in a safe, ergonomic and cost-efficient way? Contact us here.

Are you looking for a smarter solution for your internal transport?

Would you like to see more solutions?

Download our brochure here to see some of the smart solutions we have used to help our clients save both time and money. In it you can also get to know our team of (product) specialists who will make sure that you will be helped quickly, adequately and correctly.

We are Aerofilm
Freedom to move!

Air caster transport is an ideal solution for intralogistics problems. Especially for moving heavy, delicate, large or special objects. The technique with an Air caster system has proved its value for decades and offers specific advantages over other techniques such as heavy transport wheels, overhead cranes, or solutions with rails. We have listed all techniques for you in our Internal Transportation Guide. You can also read more the different solutions with Air cushion transport.


40 years experience




ready for you and think along with you




delivery times


go for the long-term solution

Our Customers

Jeroen Bender

General Manager, Bendertechniek B.V.

"After 20 years of loyal service, it was time for a new modular air caster transport system with an increased capacity of 24 tons. Air casters do not damage the floor and we can position our machines very accurately and with little effort. With an Air caster system we can provide companies that regularly have machines in their factory. moving, recommend using Aerofilm Systems air casters! "Jeroen Bender - General Manager, Bendertechniek BV

Mauro Ivaldi

Technical R&D Manager, Lagor SRL

"We are still very satisfied with the 200 ton transformer core conveyor that Aerofilm Systems delivered to us in 2010. It requires very little maintenance and makes our production process very reliable!" Mauro Ivaldi - Technical R&D Manager, Lagor SRL

Contact us

Curious what Aerofilm can do for your company? Please contact us by phone or fill in our contact form.


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+31 40 2550303

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+1 317 900 9350

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+49 28217194979


Bel ons/ Call us

+31 40 255 03 03

Call us

+1 317 900 9350

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+49 28217194979

Aerofilm brochure

Discover air casters: the ideal solution for moving light to very heavy objects

Learn how air casters can help you to move light, heavy or sensitive objects in a safe, ergonomic, and cost-effective way.